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Car paint protection 

Theres 3 main types of paint protection - 

1. Wax - natural carnauba                can last from 3 to 8 weeks  -   (low protection, max shine, low cost)

2. Sealant - synthetic (man made) can last from 4 to 12months -  (medium protection, med cost) 

3. Coating - SiO2, glass coating      can last from 1 - 3 years     -     (Best protection,best selling, high cost)


In basic terms paint protection is like sunscreen for your car. 

Any polishing we do we apply a sealant unless you would like to upgrade to a coating which gives it a sacrificial semi permanent glass layer that will give a gloss level that is unmatched by conventional polymer and organic wax based protectants.


It creates a sacrificial barrier between the cars clear coat and the outside world to protect it from nasty stuff in the air, dirt, brake dust, rail dust, rain,  bugs, bird/bat droppings, acid rain, UV sun rays etc.


Good paint protection and preparation will also make the surface hydrophobic smooth and very glossy, which in turn prevents dirt, dust and water sticking for a easier washing experience with a self cleaning effect.


Please keep in mind coatings NEED to be maintained by yourself or a detailer so they last the recommended time and stay glossy and hydrophobic.

Over time contaminates make there way on coatings which can degrade or reduce the affect, the best way to avoid this is to regularly wash the car every 2 - 4 weeks depending on the environment you drive or store the car in.

Ideally you want to use a carwash without waxes, continually adding wax to a coating will reduce the effectiveness of the coating due to the cheap waxes sitting on the top.


I am buying a new car and the dealer is offering paint protection with a lifetime warranty, but its quite expensive should I get this done?


No! As what the dealerships call “paint protection” and what professional detailers call paint protection are two very different things. The “lifetime warranty” may also not mean what you think, if you read the contract it normally states you are required to go back for annual "inspections" and if you dont the "life time warranty" will be void or reduced.


Most dealers only use sealants which can be a good form of paint protection (for up to a year, IF applied correctly and IF the paint is properly prepped ) BUT it does not last forever and does NOT stand up to most of there claims.


Our paint protection and fabric protection packages are a lot cheaper then the price of most dealerships and can provide much better and longer lasting protection.



(we can coat windscreens,  side windows, rims, trim, and paint so the whole car is protected and hydrophobic)


Due to the custom nature of car protection (the cars age, colour and overall condition please contact us for a no obligation quote or if you have any questions we will be more then happy to help.



Interior/glass/wheel protection 

Fabric protection

An innovative fabric coating that repels water, stains, UV fading and any contaminants from coming into contact with coated surfaces, creating a Super-Hydrophobic barrier that repels water and stains, whilst resisting abrasion, UV fading, alkaline and acid attack for up to 12 months.



leather and vinyl protection

Semi-permanent coating designed to protect and enhance automotive leather and vinyl surfaces for up to 1-2 years, being an innovative coating that will prevent your leather finish from "glossing" overtime to repeated exposure to body oils/fats absorbed through the surface.

It also prevents any cracking or material warping which can occur due to prolonged exposure to UV.

No fading or yellowing will occur and it resists the mechanical wear of passengers climbing in, and out. 

It won't just transform and protect your leather, but also gives the same benefits to vinyl surfaces, it prevents fading and helps keep them clean all year round.

This has been tested against a variety of chemicals and conditions including mud, grease, dye transfer, crayons, and even super glue and is proven to resist stains.


Wheel protection 

This innovative wheel coating has a strong siO2 resin to protect your wheels for up to 2 years, it repels dirt, water and contaminants from adhering to the wheels surface.

This means that brake dust, iron particles, and other nasty contaminants struggle to bond to the wheel's surface, making maintenance cleans effortless. 

An incredible self-cleaning experience for your wheels, dirty wheels can simply be cleaned through the use of a high pressure hose alone and in most cases without the need for agitation or the use of a dedicated wheel cleaner.



Glass coating

An ultra-hydrophobic windscreen coating. 

The coating is not affected by the abrasion from windscreen wipers which allows the coating to last up to 1 year.

The droplets start flying off at around 30-35km/h & in most cases windscreen wipers aren’t even needed while driving.



Exterior plastic/trim coating

A semi-permanent trim and plastic hydrophobic coating which helps repel brake dust, and other contaminants from adhering to the surface making maintenance cleans effortless.



Due to the custom nature of car protection (the cars age, colour and overall condition please contact us for a no obligation quote or if you have any questions we will be more then happy to help.

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